Reach out to one of our experts for a complimentary consultation based on location or based on specialization.
“Ray Waterhouse was recommended to me in 2001. Until then, I had used a decorator to help me buy art, but Ray introduced me to a whole new set of criteria, such as condition, quality and price negotiation, and has built an amazing collection of Hudson River School paintings for me. He has managed to source works from private collectors and even from museums, which I never would have been able to find on my own. He also does all the hard work and travelling. He knows what I like and presents me with opportunities, and I just say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”
We saw this exceptional Hudson River School work by Sanford Robinson Gifford at auction and brought it to our client’s attention. As we had recently sold a painting for him, there was an empty space to fill in his collection and this suited it perfectly. We viewed, advised on, bid for and installed the artwork. As an extremely busy business man, this client makes the decision of what to purchase but relies on our advice on quality and value; the client trusts our expertise and honest feedback to the extent that he didn’t even see the painting in person until it was hanging in his home.