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FAB New York
15 East 76th Street
NY 10021
Marino MariniBagliori nella foresta1958
Advising a US client on auctions in Europe
Private Collector, Minnesota

“I have asked Ray to provide his opinion on a number of important paintings I was interested in buying, from a Renoir portrait of a girl to Italian paintings of the 1960’s. He has put me off most of them due to their bad condition or inflated asking price, giving me well-researched reports which I like because they combine an independent viewpoint along with his personal opinion.”

About the Client Relationship

This client first called us after he saw a painting by Paul Chabas for $15,000 on the Waterhouse & Dodd gallery website. Although disappointed with purchases made from auction catalogues in the past, the client agreed to buy the Chabas painting, comfortable with the guarantees given by Ray Waterhouse. He then sought advice from Ray for future acquisitions at a higher level, including a Renoir valued at over $1 million and this painting by Marino Marini, which we viewed at a London auction house and acquired on the client’s behalf.